Since its establishment in 1992, SOPABROKER has been dedicated to the study of insurance products that meet the diverse needs of its customers. SOPABROKER operates in all industry branches, providing on-demand customisation of products, efficient claims management services across organisational units and with high levels of dedication and professionalism.


We assist our clients in identifying and assessing risks, in their analysis, in the study of prevention and control, in the acquisition of insurance protection and finally, in the settlement of any claims.
Our service consists of four stages:

  1. Identification, assessment, risk analysis;
  2. Specific measures designed to prevent and control risk;
  3. Research and introduction of an insurance scheme;
  4. Insurance operations.

During the risk management stage, business risks are identified, as are their nature and their economic/financial impact.
Protective measures, prevention and warning systems, active and passive physical defences, hardware and software defences and protections are all investigated and suggestions provided for their possible improvement.
This activity is carried out by our technical staff who are assisted, whenever necessary, either by consulting firms or by independent professionals specialising in individual risk areas. This is aimed primarily at the client company itself, the protection of its assets and the protection of its human resources. The results are all collected in a due diligence report that will form the basis for discussion and cooperation with the relevant company's management.
In the insurance analysis phase, insurance policies are "translated" into a unique language that enables assessment of current guarantees and any improvements required.
Particular attention is paid to areas of uninsured risk. We would emphasise that this work is carried out, not on the basis of abstract insurance principles; but instead, it is strictly targeted at the company's individual situation, taking into account any results and data obtained.
The result is collected in summary reports that are then used to decide on insurance strategies and to devise a reform programme.
Our Back Office is able to supply, by means of a rationalization of the insurance portfolio, timely management of contracts, proper administration of policies and timely demands for premium payments.
Our consultancy services also contribute by providing management and settlement of claims, together with ongoing assistance throughout the different management phases.

  1. Examination of the claim: this is to ensure that it has been drafted in the most appropriate form, in compliance with contract terms and so as to leave no scope for misinterpretation or the invocation of exemptions by the Underwriters;

  2. Support: the provision of suggestions on initiatives to be taken, on documentation to be collected and presented to the assessors. We often assign a dedicated assessor to our clients so as to assist with the settlement of claims without challenges being raised or any downtime being suffered;

  3. Negotiation and Settlement: these are carried out through discussion with the liquidators of the Companies, and / or with the assessors in charge, so that any settlement is made in compliance with the relevant contractual provisions, any exemptions raised disputed and ongoing efforts are made to ensure that payment is received as soon as possible.

Wholly-owned and partly owned subsidiaries and affiliated companies

All wholly-owned and partly owned subsidiaries and affiliated companies may use SOPABROKER's services.
This gives you a single insurance partner to help you solve your problems and meet the insurance needs of different companies.
It also means you can:

  • Define an insurance strategy for your group;
  • Coordinate the respective needs of all your companies;
  • Avoid overlapping insurance policies.

The Claims Unit

Given that in practice we are confronted with about 1,200 claims at any one time, that we have a constant need to conduct proactive monitoring and that the influx of new claims we experience amounts to about 2,000 complaints a year, our new computerized document management tool has become a fundamental aspect of our work. 
The claims generated by accident and insurance policies and medical expense reimbursements jointly make up the most difficult area of these operations and account for about 50% of the 2,000 new claims received every year. These claims are classified with a particular status immediately, and the associated information is then lodged in a protected document, file and media repository which contains all the sensitive data pertaining to the state of our client's health. The right to privacy of personal information and private life aims at both quality and efficiency in the delivery of services to the customer.
Sensitive data that reveals people's state of health is handled according to the principle of loyal conduct, for specific purposes only and on the basis of the consent of the person concerned.

The Brokerage Mandate

Our relationship with our client is governed either by a power of attorney or by an assistance and advice mandate.
In view of its extremely fiduciary nature, this mandate is normally exclusive and can be cancelled by either party at any time with 30 days' notice.
This mandate is awarded by simple exchange of letters and constitutes the essential document required for representation of the Company on the insurance market.

